Mark Sclaire

Objection Care

“Treat objections as requests for further information”

Most people think that when a client starts to object , that’s the time when they start to show they are not interested but in fact these are clear signs the client wants to know more and wants you to have the ability to answer. 


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Have you ever been with a potential customer whom you feel would be the perfect prospect for your product only to get different excuses or reasons why they can't buy your product?

Those excuses your prospects present to you as to why they wouldn’t be purchasing your product are your “sales objections.”

Sales objections can come in various forms and are not necessarily a point-blank “no.”

Objection care is when a sales professional speaks with a potential customer to genuinely understand their objections about a product and help them handle those objections by providing satisfying answers to the questions.


To sales professionals, sales objections are opportunities to discover the prospects’ needs and better understand their situation. It gives a chance to clarify further any wrong perception the candidates may have about the product and takes them a step closer to the end of the sales process.

If a prospect has objections about your product or service, you may never convert them to real customers without first helping them overcome those objections and reservations.


It is essential to overcome sales objections because doing so helps create a sense of trust in your prospect’s decisions and allows them to get answers to the questions that may prevent them from purchasing your product.

Overcoming sales objections also helps build stronger relationships with prospects and creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding and effective communication.

When you spend some time listening to your prospects’ needs and providing answers to their objections, they realize that you genuinely care about them and are passionate about helping them solve their problems.

How do you respond to sales Objections?

Objections are unavoidable. Knowing how to respond to them is what matters. When potential customers present their sales objections to you, there are four basic things you need to do:


  1. Listen to them

Many salespeople end up not providing adequate answers to the disapproval of their prospects simply because they didn’t listen.

Listening to your prospects involves allowing them to spell out all their objections without cutting them off or racing ahead of them with answers. Give them time to express their inner feelings about your product or service. You most likely would already have answers to their questions before they conclude. Don’t be in a hurry to provide those answers. If you don’t allow them to finish, there may be some more significant questions that they haven’t asked yet and may not remember to ask.

Listening to them also makes clients feel you genuinely care about them and help them solve their problems. This significantly increases your chances of winning their heart and eventually turning them to real customers.


  1. Understand

Sometimes people find it difficult to express what is on their mind, making it difficult for the other party to understand them. It is essential to understand your prospects’ objections to make sure you are not addressing the wrong problem. You can note every single question your candidates have and repeat them after they are done speaking. Doing this will make them see that you were attentive during the conversation, and it provides chances to make corrections if there is a misunderstood question.


You may say things like: “just so I can get your question clearly, you are saying that transporting the products from our factory to your store is too expensive and even cuts into your profit, right?” Making attempts to understand them clearly will significantly help to know what answers will best satisfy their questions.


  1. Respond to queries

As soon as you finish listening to your prospects’ objections and have understood them, you need to respond to them. They expect you to provide convincing answers to their complaints, and here’s your chance to do just that. You should begin with the most important questions and try as much as possible to answer all the questions. If, in any case, some of the questions are beyond your scope, tell them you will get answers from the right quarters and refer back to them. It’s better to provide the correct answer later than to give a wrong one in time.


  1. Confirm Satisfaction

It may surprise you that even after answering all the questions they earlier stated, they still may not be fully satisfied. This is why you need to confirm that they are happy and are ready to move on to the next line of action. They may agree with you during your explanation only for the sake of it. You need to ask them how they feel about the product or service now and any further objections.

Always remember that eventually, some prospects wouldn’t get satisfied no matter how much you try. This is where you need to quit avoiding wasting your time.

What are Objection handling skills?

Objection handling skills are those skills that enable a salesperson to respond to questions or objections from prospects about a product in a way that helps the candidates answer the questions and move on with the sales process. As a salesperson, whenever you speak to a new prospect, chances are they will have one or more reasons why they are reluctant to purchase your product or service. If they didn’t have any, they would have made their purchase. Objection handling skills help you approach each of these questions effectively and end up changing your prospect’s mind.

Why is it essential to be able to handle objections?

Do you know that one of the most effective ways to get valuable information about your prospects is by listening to their objections? Their objections usually represent how they feel about your product or service, and that’s what you want to know. You want to understand their situation and simply show them how your product solves that problem. Maybe they’ve had an experience that scares them from products like yours, or perhaps they feel your product shouldn’t be as expensive as it sounds. Whatever their objections are, see them as opportunities to give them more information about your product and clear their wrong perception of your product, service, or brand.

What are the different types of objections?

The objections you get from prospects can be one of the following:


  1. Price Objections

In sales, one of the most frequently experienced complaints is the price objection. Do you remember hearing things like this in the past: “this product (or service) is too expensive” or “we are on a tight budget that doesn’t allow us to purchase products of such prices,” etc. Objections like this could sometimes mean that the prospects are interested in your product, but they just can’t afford it. However, it could mean that they are trying to bargain for your products at the least price possible and determine how flexible you are with its price. Every individual in business will always seek opportunities to beat down expenses and save costs. It’s just natural. As a salesperson, you should consistently anticipate this objection and prepare ahead for it.


2. Contentment Objections


What happens when prospects tell you things like: “I already use Y product, and it fulfills my needs” or “I’m satisfied with using X product,” and so on? When this happens, salespeople attempt to show the benefits of their products rather than know what interests the other product’s prospects. Your goal should be to understand your prospects’ needs and how your product solves it. You should attempt to know what they like about the product that got them hooked to it and know what they do not like about the product. It will let you know your Unique Selling Point (USP) and as well know what solutions your prospects are looking for.

After, you can provide testimonials of people who were in your prospects’ past situation that switched your product or brand.


3. Authority Objections


All persons have different roles to play in an organization. You might have discussed with a member of the Organization about your product, but what if they are not able to decide what products to buy or not? Responses like: “let me speak to my boss about it” or “my wife and I will discuss more and get back to you,” etc. are signs that the person you’re currently discussing with doesn’t have the sole authority to make decisions.

Irrespective of who they want to refer to, you need first to know more about the person they’re talking about because you will eventually have to speak with them if you ever want to close the deal. You should get as much information as possible about them before proceeding to get their contacts or speaking with them. This will make you know who you’re dealing with and how best to get them to dance to your tune.


  1. Time Objections

Time Objections revolve around a lack of time or resources. Statements like: “can you get back to me in X months?” or “I currently have so much to attend to” indicate time objections. Sometimes Objections these objections result from your prospects not understanding your explanations and thinking your offers will consume a large portion of their time. You can ask why they think they wouldn’t be able to take advantage of your product or service now and possibly get to know what they are currently working on, not giving them the time. Be careful not to sound too pressing or desperate. Your goal should be to help them realize they can start taking advantage of your product or service without interrupting their schedules.


5. Value Objections


This happens when prospects think the price of your product and the value it offers are not equal. They perceive the cost of your product as being way too higher than its worth.

Objection care with yourself

One of the most effective ways to make preparations before meeting with a prospect is to exhibit objection care with you. Objection care with oneself helps you anticipate the likely questions or concerns your chances may show towards your product and makes you well prepared with satisfactory answers. You can draw the questions from similar experiences you’ve had in the past with other prospects and the kind of solutions you gave that turned them into current customers. However, although opportunities differ from one another, doing this will get your mind prepared and positive towards the prospect. Sometimes, clients become interested in what you have to say based on your show’s positivity and optimism. Practicing objection care with yourself can go a very long way in helping you close many deals.

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